Arboretum Volčji Potok


Most visited botanical garden in Slovenia

Arboretum Volčji Potok
Volčji Potok 3
1235 Radomlje
Tel. +386 1 831 23 45
Direkt zur Website

Non-binding request

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Special offers
at the hotel
Arboretum Volčji Potok

  • Botanical Garden Slovenia Order tickets

    Botanical garden in Slovenia, Arboretum Volčji Potok

    Bookable in the period: 01.05. – 30.09.2024

    The park is open every day
    including weekends and holidays.

    Order your tickets for the most visited botanical garden in Slovenia....

    Adults: 9,00 €
    Students and pensioners: 8,00 €
    School children: 6,00 €
    Preschool children: 4,00 €
    Family ticket*: 23,00 €
    Dogs: 2,00 €

    * The family ticket is valid for one or two adults and for five schoolchildren and children over the age of three.


    Train for groups: 2,50 € / p.p.

    Train for individuals: 3,00 € / p.p.

    Guided tour in foreign language: 100 €
    We ask groups to contact us 14 days before the desired tour.

    Please use the request form and indicate how many tickets you need.
    Your request will reach directly the ticket mail of the park "Arboretum Volčji Potok".