happy // Delicious creative king pumpkin

Bright and heartwarming, like the last summer days

© alpine-experience.com

Whenever the last vegetables are harvested, he makes his grand entrance!

Already in ancient Rome, the pumpkin was served as a dish. The yellow winter squash, which originated in South America and is preferred today, came to Europe in the 16th century. It became a symbol of fertility because of its many seeds.

It sounds a bit strange, but the pumpkin is a berry and therefore a fruit. It is roughly divided into winter and summer varieties. Among the best known summer varieties are: Patissons, spaghetti squash and zucchini.
Winter squashes are: Yellow Centner, Big Max, Musk or Nutmeg squash and the orange Hokkaido.

The pumpkin is tasty and decorative at the same time.

The yellow-orange of the flesh contains large amounts of carotene, vitamin E, C and folic acid. It also helps us with minerals, because it provides a lot of potassium, a little iron, calcium and magnesium. And yes, it also has a healing effect. In the past it was often used for constipation, kidney and intestinal ailments, and today it is even thought to have a preventive effect against tumors. The greatest therapeutic benefit lies in the pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin can be used to conjure up many delicious dishes. Pumpkin tastes just as good as a soup as it does in a salad, as a stir-fry, risotto or vegetable side dish. The pumpkin is an all-rounder in the kitchen. The pumpkin seeds should not be thrown away. Just lay the seeds out loosely on a newspaper or household paper and let them dry well. Now peel them, drizzle them with a little cooking oil and spread them out on a baking sheet. Now bake them in the oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. Stir them every five to ten minutes. When they are golden brown, salt or pepper them to taste, let them cool and store them in a closed container.

recipe styrian pumpkin polenta

Styrian polenta dumplings


Styrian polenta dumplings

Ingredients for 4 servings
60 g butter
100 g pumpkin seeds
250 ml milk
200 g polenta
1 pinch of salt
1 dash of pumpkin seed oil
2 egg yolks

Polenta dumplings
Bring milk, butter, salt to a boil, stir in polenta and continue cooking until a thick paste is formed. Finally stir in egg yolks, mix well so everything is nicely distributed.
Remove from heat, let cool and form into dumplings.
Place dumplings in boiling salted water and let cook for about 10 minutes.
Roll in coarsely chopped pumpkin seeds and drizzle with a little pumpkin seed oil.

Vegetable bed
Carrots, pumpkin and zucchini clean, wash and shave into thin strips. Sauté carrots, pumpkin and zucchini in hot oil. Deglaze with vegetable broth and 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Put the lid on and steam over medium heat until done in 10-12 min.

The pumpkin becomes a favorite decoration especially on Halloween.

Halloween customs have existed since Celtic times. But the name itself, arose only later from the Catholic festival "All Saints' Day", in English: "All Hallows". The eve - that is, October 31 - is thus "All Hallows Evening", from which the short form "Halloween" developed. So that you can enjoy the spooky decoration for a long time, you can cover it with wax. Simply melt old candle wax, pierce fruits with wire, bend at the end and dip briefly.


Happy Halloween

The party planner for Halloween and pumpkin fansCarved pumpkins, spooky-looking but delicious recipe ideas, and decoration ideas to make you scream. An avid Halloween lover with American roots, she has gathered here her favorite productions for scary Halloween celebrations. In terms of taste, her recipes are an absolute delight, visually cause for wonder and creepiness. Whether soup, hearty-filled shrunken pumpkin, or richly decorated cupcakes... [learn more]