Canton Bern | Gstaad Saanenland

Sommets Musicaux de Gstaad

31.01.2025 bis 08.02.2025

Sommets Musicaux de Gstaad
Sommets Musicaux de Gstaad
Cour Saint-Pierre 5
1204 Genève
Tel. +41 22 738 66 75

Sommets Musicaux de Gstaad

The Sommets Musicaux de Gstaad is a music festival for classical music in Gstaad. Over nine days, various concerts are presented in the churches of Saanen, Rougemont and the Gstaad Chapel.

The cornerstone of its great success is the ambitious program, which promotes the exchange between young talents and internationally established artists. In 2024, the piano will be the leading instrument. Mentor, Michel Dalberto, has once again invited seven young talents to perform in the Gstaad Chapel.