Almrausch Experience the Almabtrieb in Tyrol at Lake Achensee

Bookable in the period:  15. - 22.09.2024

Alpine cattle drive in Tyrol at Lake Achensee
Posthotel Achenkirch
Obere Dorfstr. 382
6215 Achenkirch

Non-binding request

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Bookable in the period: 15.09. - 22.09.2024

5 nights incl. 3/4 gourmet board
from Euro 1.163,- per person


  • Rich breakfast buffet with TCM buffet
  • Vitality lunch in the TCM bathrobe restaurant BISTRO with a warm 5 elements dish
  • Multi-course menu of your choice combined with an exquisite dinner buffet in the evening and main courses served from the daily changing menu from the gourmet kitchen
  • À la carte (for an additional charge) you can dine in our award-winning restaurant
  • Renaturalized spring water - finest drinking water included
  • Top cosmetic products from the hotel's own care line in your room
  • Supervised exercise and relaxation program (around 60 hours/week)
  • Bathing and sauna area on 7,000 square meters
  • Posthotel fitness worlds indoor and outdoor on 500 sqm
  • Underground parking space and use of the car wash